Structured Literacy


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Introduction to Structured Literacy

Structured Literacy is a comprehensive approach to reading instruction that is systematic, explicit, and beneficial for all learners, particularly those with learning differences. It embodies specific techniques to enhance the understanding of language structure and sounds.

This method stands out for its systematic approach, where reading skills are built cumulatively and cohesively, contrasting with traditional methods that often rely more on exposure to literature and less structured phonics instruction.

The focus on phonics and language comprehension is integral to this approach, providing a clear and structured path to literacy. It aims not just to teach reading in isolation but to develop a deep understanding and application of language. This method's systematic nature ensures a step-by-step progression in reading skills, vital for effective learning.

phonics and language

Components of Structured Literacy

The key components of Structured Literacy include Phonological Awareness, Sound-Symbol Association, Orthography, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics. Each element plays a vital role in developing a comprehensive understanding of language and reading.

For instance, Phonological Awareness focuses on the sounds in spoken words, and Sound-Symbol Association connects these sounds to their corresponding letters. Orthography teaches the rules of written language, including spelling patterns and syllable types. Morphology deals with the smallest units of meaning in language, and Syntax covers the rules governing sentence structure. Finally, Semantics focuses on understanding the meaning of language, both in individual words and larger text structures.

Structured Literacy in Practice

Structured Literacy in practice involves a consistent and structured lesson format, ensuring a systematic progression of skills. Lessons typically start with sound drills, followed by a review of previously taught concepts and the introduction of new rules. These rules are practiced at various levels, from sounds to sentences, ensuring a thorough understanding.

This methodical approach ensures that students build upon their existing knowledge while integrating new concepts. Structured Literacy's explicit nature ensures that learning is clear, direct, and leaves no room for ambiguity. The structured format is crucial in helping students form strong foundations in reading and language skills.

reading lesson structure
benefits of Structured Literacy

The Benefits of Structured Literacy

Structured Literacy offers numerous benefits, particularly its inclusivity and adaptability to diverse learning needs. This approach is effective for students with dyslexia and English language learners, providing a clear and explicit pathway to literacy.

Its structured nature simplifies the learning process and ensures a solid foundation before progressing to more complex skills. The explicit instruction method removes ambiguity, making learning accessible to all students. Moreover, this approach aligns with established reading models, providing a cohesive and comprehensive literacy education.

Incorporating Structured Literacy at Gifted Apples

At Gifted Apples, Structured Literacy is a core component of our curriculum, reflecting our commitment to personalized and effective education. We adapt this approach to each student's specific needs, ensuring that every child receives the appropriate support and instruction.

This method complements our existing teaching methods and provides a structured framework for literacy education. Our goal is to ensure that every student, regardless of their learning style or needs, has access to the tools and instruction necessary to develop strong literacy skills.

Gifted Apples education
home reading support

Supporting Structured Literacy at Home

We encourage parents to play an active role in reinforcing Structured Literacy concepts at home. Families are provided with strategies and resources to support their child's literacy development outside the classroom.

Activities such as phonemic awareness exercises and reading practices can significantly enhance the learning experience. Our collaborative approach with families ensures a cohesive and effective literacy development process, bridging school and home learning environments.

Professional Development and Continuous Learning

Professional development in Structured Literacy is a priority at Gifted Apples, ensuring that our educators are equipped with the latest teaching methods and strategies. This commitment to ongoing training ensures that our teaching methods remain current and effective, based on the latest educational research and best practices.

Our educators are trained to provide high-quality instruction, ensuring that our students benefit from effective literacy education. We believe in continuously updating our teaching approaches to provide the best educational experiences for our students.

teacher professional development

Transforming Education

Mrs. Farmer, the founder of Gifted Apples, started her first tutoring program in 1991, founded SchoolRoom Professional Tutors Learning Center in 1994 and founded Shaker East Academy in 2005. Realizing that one-on-one instruction for individual students was not cost-effective for school districts, especially large, urban districts, Mrs. Farmer’s early vision was to provide individualized tutoring to students who required one-on-one instruction due to an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADD-H) diagnosis. All of Mrs. Farmer’s students had a diagnosis of a learning disability with other comorbidities (i.e., ADD/ADD-H, dyslexia, and executive function ‘behavioral’ deficit) as well.

One-to-one, individualized, or even small group instruction of 6 to 8 students is challenging for classroom teachers who may have 15 to 26+ students in their class. Special education teachers may have up to 15 students in a resource learning class.

Gifted Apples’ licensed and certified teachers provide intensive one-on-one intervention to children in grades PreK–3, Late Elementary Grades 4–7, and Middle and High School. Contact us today to get started.

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The Gift of Success

Gifted Apples was established in 2015, drawing from Mrs. Farmer's background as a principal and teacher, along with her professional development. Children with reading and learning difficulties will be more successful at catching up with grade-level work rather than falling farther and further behind if help is given early. Best practices require an early start to reading instruction and intervention. Research and evidence-based methods of giving kids systematic and explicit instruction using multisensory instruction (i.e., visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile) continue to be supported by research. Due to their struggles with reading and learning, the student with significant reading and learning disabilities may have gotten angry or even depressed since they perceive themselves as successful in school while receiving bad or failing grades in the majority of their classes and performing worse academically than their peers.

By the time students get to the fourth and fifth grade, learning becomes more difficult at every grade level and in every subject area course where integrated reading is required due to their experiences with reading, the reading process, and trying to understand what is read or heard. Concern arises from the fact that as these pupils age, there is an increasing disparity in their academic performance since they have not acquired the knowledge needed to match the standards of their current grade level. The unpleasant feelings associated with reading and the reading process lead to limited reading experiences, or outright disinterest in reading, which is counterproductive to achieving academic achievement in school and in life. Your child's condition makes it very difficult for them to "read to learn" and "learn from reading," as seen by limited reading experiences and low enthusiasm to read.

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Structured Literacy

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