Learning Differences


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Understanding Learning Differences

Embracing the spectrum of learning differences is key to fostering an inclusive educational atmosphere. Not all students learn the same way, and it’s our mission to cater to these diverse learning styles. Tailoring our teaching methods to suit individual needs, we unlock potential in every student. Recognizing and valuing these differences are essential in promoting self-confidence and academic success.

We integrate social and emotional learning to ensure a holistic approach. Our inclusive environment celebrates each student's unique learning journey, providing a foundation for lifelong learning. In our classrooms, differences are not just acknowledged but are seen as opportunities for growth and innovation. Here, every student is given the tools and support to thrive.

 diverse classroom
learning to read differently


Each student with dyslexia brings a unique set of strengths to the learning process. We approach dyslexia not just as a challenge in reading but as an opportunity for creative learning. Our specialized strategies are tailored to each student, focusing on multisensory and structured learning methods. Early detection is paired with personalized intervention, vital for success.

We aim to build confidence and proficiency in reading and writing. Our environment fosters resilience and a positive attitude towards learning. By encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving, we prepare students for academic and personal success. Celebrating the unique talents that accompany dyslexia is at the heart of our approach.


Math can be a complex subject, especially for students with dyscalculia. Our educational strategies are tailored to demystify mathematical concepts. We employ hands-on, visual methods to make learning math more accessible and engaging.

Early intervention and supportive teaching are key in building confidence and competence. We break down mathematical problems into understandable segments, focusing on conceptual understanding over rote memorization.

Our goal is to transform the way students with dyscalculia relate to math, turning challenges into opportunities for success. We believe every student can achieve math proficiency with the right support and encouragement. Our approach is about nurturing a positive, can-do attitude towards math.

 engaging math education
active learning classroom


Students with ADHD and ADD bring a dynamic energy to the learning environment. Our specialized strategies focus on channeling this energy productively. Personalized lesson plans and interactive teaching methods are key to maintaining their engagement and focus.

We provide a structured yet flexible learning environment to cater to their unique needs. By fostering organizational skills and time management, we help these students excel.

Our program also includes emotional support, helping students develop self-regulation and coping strategies. We believe in highlighting the strengths of ADHD and ADD students, preparing them for academic and life success. Our approach is about embracing their vibrant potential.

Executive Function

Developing executive function skills is critical for academic and life success. Our program focuses on strengthening these skills through a variety of strategies.

We help students improve organization, planning, and prioritization abilities. Tailored activities are designed to enhance self-regulation and task initiation. We emphasize the development of problem-solving skills and flexible thinking.

Our approach is personalized, adapting to the unique strengths and challenges of each student. By fostering these skills, we prepare students for academic achievements and independent living. We aim to empower students to manage their responsibilities and goals effectively.

student planning
 creative young minds

Gifted & Talented Learners

Gifted and talented students possess extraordinary potential, which requires specialized educational approaches. Our curriculum is designed to challenge and stimulate these advanced learners. We provide opportunities for intellectual and creative exploration, catering to their accelerated learning pace.

Our approach includes addressing their unique emotional and social needs. We foster an environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation. By offering a range of enriching and advanced activities, we help these students realize their full potential. We believe in nurturing the talents of these learners, preparing them for exceptional academic and personal achievements.

Transforming Education

Mrs. Farmer, the founder of Gifted Apples, started her first tutoring program in 1991, founded SchoolRoom Professional Tutors Learning Center in 1994 and founded Shaker East Academy in 2005. Realizing that one-on-one instruction for individual students was not cost-effective for school districts, especially large, urban districts, Mrs. Farmer’s early vision was to provide individualized tutoring to students who required one-on-one instruction due to an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADD-H) diagnosis. All of Mrs. Farmer’s students had a diagnosis of a learning disability with other comorbidities (i.e., ADD/ADD-H, dyslexia, and executive function ‘behavioral’ deficit) as well.

One-to-one, individualized, or even small group instruction of 6 to 8 students is challenging for classroom teachers who may have 15 to 26+ students in their class. Special education teachers may have up to 15 students in a resource learning class.

Gifted Apples’ licensed and certified teachers provide intensive one-on-one intervention to children in grades PreK–3, Late Elementary Grades 4–7, and Middle and High School. Contact us today to get started.

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The Gift of Success

Gifted Apples was established in 2015, drawing from Mrs. Farmer's background as a principal and teacher, along with her professional development. Children with reading and learning difficulties will be more successful at catching up with grade-level work rather than falling farther and further behind if help is given early. Best practices require an early start to reading instruction and intervention. Research and evidence-based methods of giving kids systematic and explicit instruction using multisensory instruction (i.e., visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile) continue to be supported by research. Due to their struggles with reading and learning, the student with significant reading and learning disabilities may have gotten angry or even depressed since they perceive themselves as successful in school while receiving bad or failing grades in the majority of their classes and performing worse academically than their peers.

By the time students get to the fourth and fifth grade, learning becomes more difficult at every grade level and in every subject area course where integrated reading is required due to their experiences with reading, the reading process, and trying to understand what is read or heard. Concern arises from the fact that as these pupils age, there is an increasing disparity in their academic performance since they have not acquired the knowledge needed to match the standards of their current grade level. The unpleasant feelings associated with reading and the reading process lead to limited reading experiences, or outright disinterest in reading, which is counterproductive to achieving academic achievement in school and in life. Your child's condition makes it very difficult for them to "read to learn" and "learn from reading," as seen by limited reading experiences and low enthusiasm to read.

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